
cerita yang tak habis

"its more easier to condemn than to appreciate"

aku hanya mendengar, menganguk tidak, mengiya tidak. ku biar saja dia meluahkan apa yang dirasa.

"i know, not everybody likes me. understand my opinion. but sometimes we cannot judge a person by only knowing him from one point of view."

dia mempertahankan dirinya. dia tidak dapat menerima kritikan yang dilemparkan padanya. lalu dia menyambung...

" do you know, there is a story about this. a tree and 4 men"

dia berhenti sebentar.. aku ingin mencelah
tp kemudian menyambung lg

"it's ok i'm taking your time?"

aku hanya menganguk..biarlah..seronok juga dgr cerita orang dewasa nih.hehe

" there is a man who have 4 sons. he wanted to teach his sons a lesson. then he called the eldest one and asked him to go to a tree at a place directed. that time was winter. after the eldest came back, he then asked the 2nd one to go to the same place. but in autumn (kalu x silap la..hehe) then same went to 3rd and younger son. everybody went to the same place but at different times"

dia menarik nafas

"and do u know what the father does?"

belum pun sempat aku membuka mulut.

" he asked them to describe about the tree, and of course every one wud say different thing. the son who went during autumn wud say the tree was very nice while son who went during winter wud say no good.. no leaves..bla..bla..bla (aku malas nak tulis sebenanya) "

kemudian lepas tarik nafas skali lagi dia menyambung..

"that's happen to me now"

kemudian dia berlalu..
alahhai...x smpat aku nak bagitahu pendapat aku. kecewa.

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